My Exceeding Joy by Dale Ralph Davis


Filled with the characteristic warm humour and biblical clarity that readers have come to expect, Dale Ralph Davis' exposition of Psalms 38:51 will help readers to get to know God's Word better. Each chapter begins with Davis' own translation of the Psalm from the Hebrew, before delving into his exposition. Peppered with sports anecdotes and references to military history, this book follows in the same vein as The Way of the Righteous in the Muck of Life: Psalms 1:12; Slogging Along in the Paths of Righteousness: Psalms 13:24; and In the Presence of my Enemies: Psalms 25:37. For those who enjoyed Davis' previous works, this will not disappoint. For those who are unfamiliar with his writings, allow this book to direct your eyes to the God of the psalmist and find your exceeding joy in him.

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