A Life Worth Living Paperback by Nicky Gumbel


Alpha founder Nicky Gumbel unpacks the letter of Philippians to help Christians understand how we can live with a new purpose, confidence and joy.

  • Ideal for people new to studying the Bible & for those looking for a refresh

  • Nicky Gumbel helps you understand this key letter of the New Testament in its historical context

  • This book will help the reader understand the exciting implications of being a Christian

Jesus Christ makes life profoundly worth living.

This is Paul's message in his letter to the Philippians, in which he encourages the church he planted in Philippi to go on pursuing their new identity in Christ. In an engaging and accessible way, Nicky Gumbel places this key letter of the New Testament in context, explaining its audience and its writer, before unpacking why and how Christians can live with a new purpose, confidence and joy. He uses plenty of choice anecdotes to help us understand how Paul's message applies to us today, and how living for Jesus is living life to the full.

Ideal for people new to studying the Bible, this book will help the reader understand the exciting implications of being a Christian.

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