Why Trust the Bible? Answers to 10 Tough Questions by Amy Orr-Ewing
Looking to answer questions about the Bible?
This updated edition gives you the tools to stand up for the Bible
You'll better understand the arguments around God's word
'You don't honestly believe all that stuff in the Bible!'
Challenged by her friends, and later as a student by theological teachers, Amy Orr-Ewing was determined to leave no stone unturned in her eagerness to prove that the Bible was unique and wholly reliable. Her passion drove her to complete an in-depth study of the answers to ten of the most frequently raised objections she encountered, including:
Isn't it all a matter of interpretation?
Can we know anything about history?
Are the original manuscripts reliable?
What about the canon?
What about other holy books?
Isn't the Bible sexist?
What about all the wars?
Isn't the Bible out of date on sex?
How can I know?
Sensitively yet convincingly, the author addresses the issues and the arguments, showing that we have every reason to trust the Bible today. 192 pages